
Welcome to Heather's Reiki Therapy

Heather is an experienced and qualified Reiki Practitioner. She has added this treatment to her services to help even more people in the Carnoustie area.

Reiki originates in Japan and is a non-invasive treatment that promotes deep relaxation and a peaceful sense of well-being on all levels.

Heather recommends Reiki when life is tough as it can counter feelings of overwhelm and banish senses of isolation or disconnect. Heather’s clients have reported feeling at peace, feeling centred and more able to cope with life’s challenges after a session with her.

Reiki can be incredibly supportive during pregnancy as it is relaxing and enjoyable for the mum-to-be. Heather’s clients have reported feeling wonderful after a Reiki session with her.

If your situation is causing you stress because you are facing one of life’s inevitable hurdles then a session of Reiki with Heather could well be all you need to restore your equilibrium and enable you to work through a more difficult time.

If your issues are deeper or long-standing then discuss this with Heather. It may be that a series of sessions will be most beneficial for you. Heather will advise you on the best course for your needs.

Give Yourself Time to Rest and Relax

Reiki is non-intrusive and requires no special clothing or special equipment. It takes between 45 minutes and an hour and a half, depending upon the client’s needs. Some clients of Heather’s have reported feeling sensations of heat and experiencing emotional responses that indicate a shift is taking place inside them. Others simply feel a deep and profound sense of relaxation that gives them the strength they need to face their hurdles.

Reiki is a unique form of treatment in that it can also be given remotely – perfect in today’s climate of social distancing.

As Reiki is a treatment that is centred on the belief that we are more than our physical bodies; we are also beings of light and energy, Reiki does not need physical contact to work.

Heather has been trained to deliver Reiki remotely so why not ask about a session today?

It will require the same amount of time set aside as a physical session would need both from you and from Heather but clients report that it is very thought provoking and enables them to have more insight into their lives and their actions.

Sarah Yang reported “from my experience, it was more about bettering your mind and actions as well as getting more insight into your current situation and some things you’re struggling with subconsciously. I believe that anyone who is looking for some guidance or answers, or a different perspective, would benefit from this—and honestly, aren’t we all looking for these things?”