Swedish Massage Therapy

Holistic Massage

Provides powerful support to both physical and mental health, improving how we feel inside and out.  For those with an active lifestyle holistic massage can help address issues of wear and tear resulting from athletic activity or physical work and support the body in healing injuries and damage to muscles.

If we lead a more sedentary life, for example working at a desk for prolonged periods holistic massage can help to work out muscle knots restoring ease of movement and comfort. 

Healthy circulation of both blood and the lymphatic system is promoted by regular holistic massage helping to ensure the smooth flow on nutrients and oxygen throughout the body and the efficient removal of toxins and other waste products.

Chronic Stress

Widely recognised as a significant contributing factor in most if not all of the major dis-eases affecting our society today.  Choosing a regular holistic therapy appointment is a great way to mitigate some of this.